I am a Psychic Oracle, Tarot Slinger, and Animist Spirit Whisperer, practicing on the unceded lands of the Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Chinook, Tualatin Kalapuya, Mollala, aka Portland, OR.
Since childhood I have been able to retain the capacity to sense beyond the domination-based programming of the Anthropocene into the Great Mystery, this emergent tapestry of spirit and matter. As per my ancestors, my life has been dedicated to focusing all clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and body-intelligence to helping people locate and weave lost or tangled threads back into the greater tapestry. To sense and play with this secure and incorruptible belonging, this human birthright, is to cultivate an assemblage of being that is capable of meeting whatever arises in life and death with creative playfulness, equanimity, and loving kindness.
My latest passions are:
forest bathing
dream work/play (clarissa gunawan & erin langley)
death practice (dare sohei)
singing/dancing outside of my patterns
everything Octavia Butler
the endless exploration of Tarot
marveling at my teens as they navigate inner/outer changes
embracing early menopause as babycrone initiation
remembering “if it’s easy, do it now. if it’s hard, let’s do it together” (jen lemen)
really getting to know my local neighbors (rachael rice)
communicating with every plant and animal I meet like I know this part of the journey doesn’t last forever.
Past Bio from Pluto Conjunct Ascendant Era - (thankfully behind me)
I cannot betray the Mystery that is my “self” by putting any sturdy language on the matter. Beliefs, hopes, attachments, and fears that I thought were parts of my unique blueprint, have been and still are being staunchly challenged. I am very much not alone in this, as the US itself is having a darkly dance with Pluto. It was no surprise when the pandemic hit and life as we know it was overturned. This spiraling, churning movement didn’t stop at my doorstep, but has twisted itself into the fiber of my identity. “So you think you know who you are? What happens when we remove ______? Then what?” And the sky’s the limit with Pluto; I’m smart enough to give the swooping creepy feeling of Pluto’s energy nothing more than a side eye, lest it take a full stare as a challenge and take everything away from me. This journey has been difficult. I’ve lost all faith in belief, in thinking I have any clue as to the nature of great mysteries in which I inevitably find myself swimming/treading/drowning. I feel comradery with those of you who don’t recognize their lives - indeed, the systems we live under go to great lengths to keep us from remembering our true function, the human instruction set has been intentionally tinkered with. So, at least I am in good company. We are remembering together. Luckily, the work I’ve always done - swimming in the mysterious pools around the veils between worlds, dropping all pretenses, dogmas, beliefs, being with what is, and transmitting what I see, feel, hear - is as reliable, if not more so, as ever. Because the work requires me to relinquish what I think I know. And the less I know, the better it gets. Not surprisingly, what is good for the work is horrible for capitalism which relies upon a certain aim and reverse engineers people, the more than human world, places, and things, so that everything falls in line to meet that aim, discarding what doesn’t fit in. So, for the most part, I go untitled and the work I do is ineffable and emergent. Psychic Oracle, Tarot Reader, Spiritual Advisor, Medium, Mystic...yes and not only. It’s horrible for business as usual and any of those titles could make lots of money if I exploited them fully, wearing one loud and clear uniform and slipping it off when I clock out. But there’s no clocking out. Life is ceremony, magic is afoot, what doesn’t get through my waking life, meets me in dreamtime. And Pluto, as well as my natal astrological aspects will always be sure to set any chosen uniform ablaze the second I think the outfit is Me. No one sitting with me gets the same experience twice. My function, maybe the only one I can track, is to be present and witness what is. The information itself is for you or sometimes for we, but I’m not attached to it, I don’t need to feel my “systems” infiltrating your terrain, in order to feel the work happening.. This is why I’ve never had a guru, a shtick, a magical certification. A priestess, I am not. Chaos witch, Stuff Seer, Mystery Messenger maybe. In fact, I’m completely comfortable casting aside the entire institutional way of interpreting tarot if it serves the witnessing. My work is not a stamp that marks some individual conquest in your world. My desire, after a session, is to have left as little trace as possible, no long strings of personal ideological toilet paper on your shoe. The world is filled with content and it isn’t my work to add more beyond what the spirits want to share with you. Maybe, after this Pluto transit is finished with me, I will have some new insight, some groundbreaking art, something to build a course out of, but for now, I am married to the mysterious unknown, committed to the wilderness of void where all things arise and die, where we can see, feel, hear, and sense clearly what is coming into relation with us in this blessed moment. Yours, in blessed strangeness.